The Kurty D Show

027 - Viral Brand with Rick Schirmer

Episode Summary

Walt Disney was a dreamer and doer that headed West to create a bright new world of delight. The road to 22 Academy Awards wasn’t a straight line. Did you know that in 1923 Walt Disney declared bankruptcy, which prompted his move to California where he then set up Walt Disney Studios? Disney was resilient. In this week’s episode of The Kurty D Show, my dear friend @Rick Schirmer shares his story of resilience and following through on big dreams. Rick grew up in Kentucky and after college in the 90s found his way to DC working for Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell. Rick loved the creativity and the connection that campaigning in politics offered, but disliked divisiveness, so he moved out to LA to focus on the fun world of marketing campaigns in the entertainment industry. In 1998, with a combo stroke of genius and luck, Rick cold-called @Melissa Patack the VP of Public Affairs for the Motion Picture Academy— they made fast friends—and she paid forward her good fortune by introducing Rick to the Walt Disney Company. Inside the “Mouse House,” Rick learned about the power of the brand, and how every little detail matters when building iconic brands—working closely with legends like Michael Eisner, Bob Iger, John Lasseter, and John Cooke. In 2002, Rick parleyed his four years at Disney to become a viral marketing pioneer in Hollywood, leading one of the first influencer-driven launches of feature films—and gets credit for being a mastermind behind many viral film campaigns from films like Food Inc, The Passion of the Christ, as well as having a hand in putting brands like Chic Fil A on the cultural map. Rick is now the CEO of Viral Brand and helps brands with their social and word-of-mouth marketing. Rick is also launching a new book called “Launchprenuer”, which was the occasion for this episode. But success for Rick wasn’t a straight line, and there were challenges and pain along the way- from a painful divorce to losing his best friend to a drug overdose. We get real about losing our mutual dear friend @Denny Dansereau, who passed away on Christmas of 2020 from a heroin overdose. Denny for sure had some demons, but there was an injury that got him hooked on Oxycontin, and then he turned to heroin when the doctor wouldn’t prescribe Oxy anymore. It’s a super sad story that has tragically become too common in the United States. Rick and I spent some time remembering and celebrating Denny. We also spent time talking through the recipe for resiliency. We love you, Denny! We think about you all the time and are drawing from your inspiration. If you or your loved ones are suffering from substance abuse help is available at []( Be sure to check out Rick’s book “[Launchpreneur](” Please go to to subscribe to my newsletter and see more special content I’ve created.

Episode Notes

What we covered:

Tweetable Quotes:

“Influencers are a key component of viral marketing. Which viral marketing really at the end of the day is word of mouth plugged into the power of the internet.” 

“One of the big lessons outside of resilience is awareness because I think awareness is really, really important.”

“The body is easy. The mind is a difficult one.”

“You always have to think strategy before tactics.”

“The people who gravitate towards negativity will manifest those negative things.”

Links Mentioned:

Kurt’s Twitter

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Rachel McCord

Senator Mitch McConnell

Melissa Patack

Robert Iger

Kellan Lutz

Schirmer McCord



The McCord List

Walt Disney

Magic Fashion Trade Show

Republican National Community

Pepperdine university

Chick Fil A