The Kurty D Show

028 - Robert’s Redemption with Robert Scoble

Episode Summary

Robert Scoble aka “Scobleizer” was a legend in tech. He still is. He was the “first to see it” guy. He was the first one to ride in a Tesla with Elon (look it up on Engadget). Scoble was the first one to see Uber, Instagram, Siri, and most of the other unicorns. Fast forward to 2017 Robert got canceled by the NY Times as part of the #MeToo movement. He got drunk at a party and slapped a woman on the butt. This was wrong and he should not have done this- it’s unacceptable behavior. The article blew up his life and career. The word on the street is that the woman who reported the incident to the NY Times has a reputation and pattern for attention-seeking. Does the punishment fit the misbehavior?  It doesn’t really matter- it was wrong. Fast forward to now, sobriety is important to Scoble. Being a good husband and what’s important to Robert now. He has spent the past five years picking up the pieces, walking the steps, and doing his best to make living amends. In my podcast interview with Robert, Scoble gets honest about what growth this experience gave him. I was moved by his humility and honesty. This conversation reminds me of my experience helping my Dad get sober. Watching my Father rebuild and become a beacon of light in his community, gives me hope that Robert can walk a similar path. The paradox is that often times it is our deepest pain that gives us our power and growth- and this is what The Kurty D Show is all about We’re all human and we all make mistakes. I refuse to live in a world where we can’t be redeemed. If you’ve been a Scoble fan in the past, I think you’ll find this interview to be worth digging into. For anyone interested in surfing the wave of the emerging future, his analysis of what’s on the horizon is prescient and well worth absorbing. I believe in you Robert- and your true friends do too.

Episode Notes

What we covered:

Tweetable Quotes:

“A dictator can move fast, this is why we miss Steve Jobs.”

“Soon, we’re gonna move from computing at flat pieces of glass to computing everywhere.

“The speed at which technology is building neural radiance fields is exponentially changing, it’s crazy. And that’s just one technology among all that.”

“Many of us have different belief systems, and that conforms to who we are.

“I mean, it’s amazing how far we’ve come to be and where we’re about to go.”

Links Mentioned:

Kurt’s Twitter

Kurt’s Instagram

Kurt’s LinkedIn

Steve Jobs

Steve Wozniak

Eric Ross Weinstein

Elon Musk

Tim Cook

Mark Zuckerberg

Marc Benioff

Jensen Huang








Google  Maps



